Beginner Filmmaking: Visual Storytelling Basics
This introductory class will focus on completing increasingly complex assignments that teach the basic tenets of visual storytelling in a fun and collaborative environment. Students will have the opportunity to make artistic decisions and help each other evaluate the process and the final products.
- Tuesdays 3:30-5 p.m.
- $300 per student
Advanced Filmmaking: the Studio Experience
After successful completion of the beginner class, move on to advanced filmmaking — like a mini Hollywood boot camp! The goal is to create professional-looking five-minute films by taking ideas through every phase of production (from pitching to writing scripts, filming scenes, and editing). The group will determine the slate of movies and showcase them for friends and family at the end of the semester.
- Mondays 3:30-5 p.m.
- $300 per student