Young children learn best by being actively involved with their environment and by engaging in activities that encourage individual growth. Because our children are encouraged to see themselves as individuals who “can do,” they will leave our program prepared to meet the challenges of their future school endeavors. Academic learning is an ongoing process, which is interwoven throughout the child’s preschool and home experiences. The Cohn Early Childhood Learning Center provides children with an environment enriched with reading, math, language, science, and art experiences in individual and small group settings using a child-centered approach.
Identity development
Just as children learn cognitive concepts through interacting with the environment, they learn about self-concepts and develop their own identity through similar tangible experiences. Jewish experiences permeate the curriculum in many ways including singing Jewish songs, learning Hebrew words, and learning Jewish values. The weekly celebration of Shabbat (the Jewish Sabbath) and other holiday celebrations enhance exposure to Jewish culture.
Infants and toddlers have the opportunity to use a variety of materials and participate in activities designed to stimulate cognitive, social, emotional, physical, and creative development. Activities are planned according to their developmental levels and needs.
Continuity and bonding
All children are assigned two primary teachers who take responsibility for each child for the greater part of the day. Primary care allows for better continuity and bonding between the child, the classroom teachers, and parents. The primary teachers are responsible for the majority of the routine care, lesson implementation, and daily reporting; and serve as principle point of contact regarding information concerning your child. However, substitute teachers maintain the same level of training and certifications and are available to step in in the event of absences.
Lesson plans are individualized for infants to focus on specific developmental milestones for each child, and are changed bi-weekly. Toddler classroom lessons are planned for the group, and change weekly. Curriculum plans are posted on the parent information board in each classroom.
Classes for preschoolers are planned with a project-based approach, and include hands-on activities and projects integrating traditional disciplines such as math, science, social studies, music, art, and language arts. Emphasis is placed on the process and the actual experience of an activity, rather than the final product. Curriculum plans are posted on the parent information board in each classroom.
Curriculum goals
- Develop expressive and receptive language
- Develop readiness to process graphic symbols and language in its written forms
- Develop intellectual curiosity, skills in observing, problem solving, and learning through his or her own efforts
- Develop independent thinking and decision-making skills
- Move away from the need for outer authority to control behavior
- Develop confidence in the ability to achieve goals through independent effort
- Develop an understanding of feelings and how feelings motivate behavior; help gain control over how feelings are expressed and learn acceptable ways for dealing with and expressing strong feelings
- Develop the social skills needed to be successful in interpersonal relations, function successfully in a peer group, and to learn from peers
- Learn to respect and value individual, cultural, ethnic, and racial diversity
- Gathering information on and experience with the social and physical worlds
- Develop aesthetic sensibilities and horizons through artistic, academic, and intellectual experiences
- Facilitate physical skills through provisions of large- and fine-motor activities
- Provide a child-centered and play-based program