Visit our pickleball page for clinic opportunities and open-play times.
Visit our pickleball page for clinic opportunities and open-play times.
Visit our pickleball page for clinic opportunities and open-play times.
Visit our pickleball page for clinic opportunities and open-play times.
No cost for members and $5 for non-members
Enjoy an hour of tai chi every Tuesday at The J. Taught by Galina Waites, this complimentary program is sponsored by United Way and is open to everyone (non-members included).
Open 5 a.m.-6 p.m. Read more about Jewish holidays.
Visit our pickleball page for clinic opportunities and open-play times.
Evening of October 16–23 Greeting: Chag sameach (“khahg sah-MAY-ahkh”) or happy holiday Sukkot, the Festival of Booths, is a seven-day festival beginning five days after Yom Kippur on the 15th […]
Visit our pickleball page for clinic opportunities and open-play times.
Visit our pickleball page for clinic opportunities and open-play times.