Jewish Birmingham

The following is a list of Birmingham’s many Jewish institutions that together support a vibrant community. Send questions and comments to

Civic organizations

Alabama Holocaust Education Center

The AHEC’s mission is to educate the people of Alabama about the history and lessons of the Holocaust in order to create a more just and compassionate world that recognizes the dignity, potential, and humanity of every individual. 

Birmingham Jewish Federation

The BJF is the Jewish Community’s central fundraising, community relations, and community development agency that’s dedicated to enriching Jewish life, supporting Israel, helping all people in need, and building a better Birmingham. The BJF website will guide you to a number of other local resources not listed here.

Collat Jewish Family Services

CJFS enhances quality of life and strengthens independence for individuals and families — with a primary focus on older adults —  by providing exceptional support services in accordance with Jewish values.

Levite Jewish Community Center

The family-oriented LJCC (affectionately called “The J”) impacts thousands of Birmingham residents daily as we welcome people of all faiths, ages, genders, sexual identities, and socioeconomic backgrounds who come for physical fitness, education, and community. The Cohn Early Childhood Learning Center and Bo’s Kosher Cafe (see below) are located within the LJCC.

N.E. Miles Jewish Day School

NEMJDS was born out of the desire of community members to provide an excellent general studies and Jewish education for their children in an atmosphere of respect for diversity and love of learning.

Temples and synagogues

Chabad of Alabama

Chabad is dedicated to every Jew, based on the biblical precept of “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” and they are committed to providing every Jew with a warm and welcoming environment in which to learn about Judaism. Chabad offers “Judaism with a Smile,” and a home away from home for everyone who walks through their doors. The organization’s Challah Shoppe provides Birmingham with challah and other specialty foods.

Knesseth Israel 

KI is a diverse communal family. Warm and friendly, we are an orthodox shul where people from all backgrounds join together for a fantastic growing experience. The KI family hosts a plethora of programs and classes while making everyone feel at home.

Temple Beth-El

TBE is an inclusive and welcoming Conservative Jewish congregation that fulfills the spiritual, educational, and social needs of its members. Temple Beth El is committed to meaningful and relevant lifelong learning, joyful worship, and fulfillment of mitzvot with a special focus on tikun olam.

Temple Emanu-El

TEE is a welcoming Reform Jewish congregation, engaging members in prayer, study, fellowship, and acts of loving kindness for our congregational family and the community at-large.


Bo’s Kosher Cafe

Located within the Levite Jewish Community Center, Bo’s is the only kosher restaurant in Birmingham and offers breakfast, lunch, and snack options.


Most large Birmingham-area grocery stores offer a limited selection of kosher foods.