Please let me sponsor this year’s Jewish Food and Culture Fest

Sunday, May 18, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.

The Levite Jewish Community Center’s Jewish Food and Culture Fest, one of B’ham’s favorite outdoor food events, typically draws a crowd of more than 2,000 of our closest friends and neighbors. In fact, it has even been declared “the best single-day event the Jewish community has put on in Birmingham.”

As an event sponsor, you and your organization will play a vital role in a long-standing tradition and receive the publicity and perks outlined below.

For more information contact Brooke Bowles at

Click on the chart below for a printable PDF:

Jewish Food and Culture Fest sponsorship form

Your name(Required)
Write your company or organization name exactly as you would like it to appear in promotional materials.
Sponsorship level(Required)
Choose the level at which you would like to sponsor this year’s Jewish Food and Culture Fest. Scroll down to review sponsorship package details.
Do you plan to host a vendor booth at the festival? ($50 vendor fee waived for Presenting and L'Chaim level sponsors)(Required)
About your logo(Required)
Payment information(Required)
Check all that apply: