How to Register
How to Sign Up
- Click here and choose “find account” in the middle box.
- Enter your last name, birthdate and zip code.
- Follow the prompts to create a password and log in.
- If you are not a member and are creating a new account to register for a program, please select ‘Participant Non-Member’ as your membership type.
Already have an account?
MEMBER LOGINFrequently Asked Questions
Click “Forgot Password” and follow the prompts to reset.
Go back to the account log-in page. Click “Find Account” in the middle box and enter your last name, birthdate, and zip code. Enter the last 4 digits of a billing method you have on your member’s record. If no billing method is available, please contact us by calling 205-510-9028 to update the needed information.
Email and we will send you a temporary password as soon as possible so you can log in.
Even if your password is reset by The J, you will be locked out of your account for 24 hours. During that time you will need to contact us to register for programs.
Log on to your account and select “Payment History.” Select the drop-down list for the date range needed. Click the arrow next to each payment method to see the details of the fees. Click the printer icon to view a printer friendly receipt option.
To update your credit card number and expiration date or your EFT account numbers:
- Under “Payment Methods” click the hyperlinked numbers for the credit card/EFT you wish to update
- Click the lock icon to update the number
- Submit
- Select the red icon next to each billing method if you would like to completely remove the credit card or EFT from your record
Please note: you cannot delete a payment method that is currently being used for membership, scheduled program payments, or scheduled donations.
To add a new credit card or EFT to your account:
- Under “Payment Methods” click “Add Credit Card” or “Add Bank Draft (EFT)”
- Enter the billing method information and submit
- Click “My Balance”
- Select “Cancel” or “Reschedule” next to each scheduled payment
- Enter a new date or select correct billing method and click “Update Schedule”
How to Update Your Billing Method
- Click here and choose “find account” in the middle box or sign in to your existing account.
- Add a payment method by clicking “My Account” in the upper right corner.
- Choose “Add Credit Card” or “Add EFT” toward the bottom of the screen.
- After adding a payment method, you can edit these accounts at any time by clicking the hyperlinked account number, then clicking the lock icon.