Event Series CJFS: Honor Our Parents Shabbat

‘Honor Our Parents’ Shabbat service

Senior Lounge AL, United States

"Honor Our Parents" Shabbat is hosted by the LJCC and Collat Jewish Family Services with support from the Gabriel & Dyna Asman Memorial Fund, the Dorothy L. McLeod Memorial Fund, and the Joyce Rich Benjamin LJCC Senior Adult Enrichment Fund at The Birmingham Jewish Foundation. Complimentary lunch will follow the service.

Event Series CJFS: Honor Our Parents Shabbat

‘Honor Our Parents’ Shabbat service

Senior Lounge AL, United States

"Honor Our Parents" Shabbat is hosted by the LJCC and Collat Jewish Family Services with support from the Gabriel & Dyna Asman Memorial Fund, the Dorothy L. McLeod Memorial Fund, and the Joyce Rich Benjamin LJCC Senior Adult Enrichment Fund at The Birmingham Jewish Foundation. Complimentary lunch will follow the service.

Event Series Why? Of Course! (The Jewish course of why)

Why? Of Course! (The Jewish course of why)

Senior Lounge AL, United States

Are you prepared to tackle the quizzical, odd, and seemingly-unanswerable questions about Jewish belief and practice? Then signup today for The Jewish Course of Why. The course is open to all - Jewish and non-Jewish - and meets conveniently before Maj in the senior lounge. "The topics of this course span a diverse range, from […]

Event Series Why? Of Course! (The Jewish course of why)

Why? Of Course! (The Jewish course of why)

Senior Lounge AL, United States

Are you prepared to tackle the quizzical, odd, and seemingly-unanswerable questions about Jewish belief and practice? Then signup today for The Jewish Course of Why. The course is open to all - Jewish and non-Jewish - and meets conveniently before Maj in the senior lounge. "The topics of this course span a diverse range, from […]

Hanukkah Movie Matinee! Eight Crazy Nights

Senior Lounge AL, United States

Please join us at 1:30 for our Monday Matinee. We'll be showing the hanukkah movie Eight Crazy Nights with Adam Sandler.

Event Series Why? Of Course! (The Jewish course of why)

Why? Of Course! (The Jewish course of why)

Senior Lounge AL, United States

Are you prepared to tackle the quizzical, odd, and seemingly-unanswerable questions about Jewish belief and practice? Then signup today for The Jewish Course of Why. The course is open to all - Jewish and non-Jewish - and meets conveniently before Maj in the senior lounge. "The topics of this course span a diverse range, from […]

Event Series Why? Of Course! (The Jewish course of why)

Why? Of Course! (The Jewish course of why)

Senior Lounge AL, United States

Are you prepared to tackle the quizzical, odd, and seemingly-unanswerable questions about Jewish belief and practice? Then signup today for The Jewish Course of Why. The course is open to all - Jewish and non-Jewish - and meets conveniently before Maj in the senior lounge. "The topics of this course span a diverse range, from […]

Event Series Why? Of Course! (The Jewish course of why)

Why? Of Course! (The Jewish course of why)

Senior Lounge AL, United States

Are you prepared to tackle the quizzical, odd, and seemingly-unanswerable questions about Jewish belief and practice? Then signup today for The Jewish Course of Why. The course is open to all - Jewish and non-Jewish - and meets conveniently before Maj in the senior lounge. "The topics of this course span a diverse range, from […]

Event Series Why? Of Course! (The Jewish course of why)

Why? Of Course! (The Jewish course of why)

Senior Lounge AL, United States

Are you prepared to tackle the quizzical, odd, and seemingly-unanswerable questions about Jewish belief and practice? Then signup today for The Jewish Course of Why. The course is open to all - Jewish and non-Jewish - and meets conveniently before Maj in the senior lounge. "The topics of this course span a diverse range, from […]