Now playing at The J: Senior Matinees

We listened and now they’re back: Senior Matinees!

  • Time: Mondays at 1:30 p.m.
  • Location: The Senior Lounge (immediately to the left of the lobby)

Over the past few months we’ve been told many times about how great it would be to revive gatherings for seniors. We’ve heard you and next week will relaunch Senior Matinees. The cinematic events, each starting with a half hour of schmoozing followed by 2 p.m. showtimes, will recur on Mondays at the same time and location. 

“For this first gathering we’re aiming to show A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood,” says Director of Programming Mandy Deavers. The movie stars Tom Hanks portraying Fred Rogers of Mr. Rogers TV fame. “That seems like an appropriate inaugural title for bringing folks back together here at The J — many of whom probably haven’t been here for some time.

“Plus,” she adds, “who doesn’t like Mr. Rogers… or Tom Hanks, for that matter?”

The event is free for J members; snacks and drinks will be provided. Current masking guidelines at The J call for optional masks. Look to our online calendar for future movie titles.