Thanks, y’all, for a fabulous Food Fest

“It was the best one-day event the Jewish community has put on in Birmingham. Ever,” states LJCC Board Vice President Terry Bernstein. Thank you, Terry — we don’t disagree.

And our sincere thanks to everyone who was able to participate, with special appreciation for everyone who helped make the 2022 Jewish Food and Culture Fest happen.

“I couldn’t be happier with how our staff stepped up to deliver this event,” says Executive Director Aimee Johnson. “And of course this would not have been possible without our stellar volunteer crew,” who served as cashiers, prepared and served food, helped in the children’s area, and staffed the Yom Ha’Atzmaut tent that celebrated Israeli Independence Day. 

“Our LJCC community really pulled together to put our best — and most delicious — foot forward for the greater Birmingham community.” 

The event takes months to plan out the myriad details and moving parts. “When the day came, everything seemed to just click into place,” adds Aimee. “Kudos to Katie Hausman Grace, our community engagement director, for marshaling the Herculean planning efforts that made it all happen.”

Our two-dozen sponsors were also crucial to the event’s success, and the gorgeous weather didn’t hurt, either.

By the numbers
Some 2,000 people passed through the gates of Levite Field for the event. Of all the menu items the most popular were: 1) the sampler plate (which included brisket, a cabbage roll, whitefish salad, a potato boureka, and matzah ball soup — enough food for your whole family), 2) the brisket plate (oh, that sauce!), and 3) the corned beef sandwich (stack it up!). 

Read our favorite stories leading up to this year’s event:

Photos by Mitchell Sargent and David Gonnerman