Group Fitness is growing

Are you up for some Aqua Aerobics? How about Pilates… or maybe Barre? Then you’re in luck because these popular programs are back, along with Tone and Core plus the newly introduced J Move. In fact, we’ve recently added 16 new Group Fitness classes to bring our total to 24 — ranging from BodyPump to Zumba. Our Group Fitness line-up is among the best in Birmingham.

“Group Fitness for all ages is part of The J’s foundation,” says Wellness Director Della Higgins. “Our programming right now is as good as it’s ever been.” 

Exercising in groups has long been a popular method to get fit. Studies show that working out with others can increase motivation, and the teamwork factor at The J can help push you harder than when you’re solo. 

Visit the Group Fitness Page to read class descriptions, view schedules, and reserve your spot in an upcoming class. Consult with a J staff member if you’re not sure what class is best for you.