Get ready for a whole week of Tu B’Shvat

A woman smiles while hugging a tree in a forest

All Tu B’Shvat events are open to members and non-members*.

“Tu B’Shvat is my favorite Jewish holiday,” says Shannon Brasovan, who recently took on the new title of chief experience officer at The J (see related story). “The day is all about raising awareness of and learning how to care for the environment, and that’s always been my jam.” 

The holiday is also known as the Jewish New Year for the Trees.

In fact, Shannon (pictured above) is such a fan that she’s decided to stretch what’s typically a one-day celebration into a weeklong series of events here at The J to celebrate our natural world (February 9-14).

“We were just coming up with too many good ideas,” she explains. “So we figured out that we could reach all ages and cater to a variety of interests by hosting multiple varied events throughout the week.”

The week will end with a volunteer cleanup of our campus area plus part of Montclair Road. We’re looking for a good turnout that will make a real impact.

Hiking, hawks, and some seed swappin’

Given the popularity of last year’s lobby exhibition of flora courtesy of Collier’s Nursery, we knew we had to get them back this year. And we did! As a special bonus, each plant will be available for purchase. 

We’ll also be handing out free posters from Alabama Legacy all week (while supplies last!).

Here’s what else we’ve got going on (get details here):

  • SUNDAY, February 9, 9:45-10:45 a.m.: Nature hike with Terri Heiman
  • MONDAY, February 10, 11 a.m.-noon:  Alabama Wildlife Center presents ‘Birds of Prey’ 
  • TUESDAY, February 11, 12:30-1:30 p.m.: ‘Questions With the Rabbi’ focusing on Jewish mysticism (RSVP)
  • WEDNESDAY, February 12, 3-6 p.m.: Pop-up farmers market with Ireland Farms
  • THURSDAY, February 13, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.: ‘Planting for Pollinators + Seed Swap’ presentation (RSVP)
  • FRIDAY, February 14: Community campus cleanup (volunteer!)

Get details, RSVP, and sign up here…

*Non-members attending events should be prepared to present a photo ID at the door.