A recent story by United Way of Central Alabama cites drowning as one of the most common causes of accidental death among children in the United States. “And, in 2022, Alabama ranked sixth in the nation for children drowning.
“That said, it’s obviously important for our kids to learn about water safety and how to swim at an early age. But swimming is also fun. It’s great exercise. It’s even a good way to spend time with friends and make new ones.”
The story then focuses on The J’s Swim School and the impact the program has had on the community.
“For more and more children in our area, Levite Jewish Community Center (LJCC) checks all those boxes,” the story continues. “With both an indoor and outdoor pool, a professional staff and a welcoming environment, it’s an ideal place for children of all ages to get their start in the water. A current collaboration between LJCC and i3 Academy Elementary is proving that out.”
Read the full story and learn how the program spurred at least one family to join The J. And one day, we’re hoping, we might even see one of those family members swim for the LJCC Barracudas.